Friday, March 22, 2013

Sketchbooks and Farewell

Hey Ideation,

Hope you are all doing well and keeping positive. In today's onsite meeting, we had our own Jacob Sweet talk about sketchbooks, his experiences throughout the years, and some helpful/inspiring tips and tricks on how to keep active in your sketchbooks. Handouts were provided, which you can download. Jacob supplied a small portion of his collection (brought approx. 20 books) to share, and encouraged other members in advance to bring theirs as well. It was a unique experience, and interesting to see how everyone differed in their priorities, preferences, and personalities. Definitely a treat, and many thanks to Jacob for his time.

In other news, as mentioned in the previous post I will be stepping down as your president in Ideation. This does not mean I'm graduating, or that I'm leaving the club for good. Rather, I felt it best to pass the torch now than later so new leaders can gain experience and ask questions while I'm still here. If you're interested in the president position, or even interested in becoming a member please notify myself or the ideation staff (Jacob Sweet or Alejandro Bibriesca) at Be sure to specify what role you're thinking of pursuing as well.

Lastly, we have a few events planned for next semester: two guest speakers and a tour of EA (limited space). The guest speakers are Brandon Pike, senior concept artist at Zynga, and Emerson Tung, game artist at Booyah. Fliers with more information will be posted soon, so keep an eye out. As for the EA tour, we're almost at our limit!! There are only 4 seats left until we are completely full. If you're interested in attending, download the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), complete it, and send that to us. Make sure you read it all! There have been too many forms I've had to turn down due to missing information, or misunderstanding what is being asked. Without it, we cannot add you to the list.

Hope you all are having a fantastic weekend, and best to you,

Mina Roy
President of Ideation

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